Senior Thursdays

Wycliffe Baptist Church, 233 King's Rd, Reading RG1 4LS, UK

A day for seniors in the local community

We offer a variety of activities in the morning - speaker, exercise class, barista coffee

Hot lunch is provided at 12:45

£3.00 for the morning session and £4.00 for a hot lunch.

For any queries please contact Kathyrn at

Seniors’ Lunch (Donation)

The Carey Centre, Anstey Rd, Reading, RG1 7JR

Wednesdays, 12:30-2pm at The Carey Centre

Note: There is no lunch on the first Wednesday of each month.

Over 60? Come along and enjoy a cooked meal, friendship and an inspiring talk from the Bible.

Booking required. Call 0118 9580058 or email to ensure your place.